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?? and ??= Null coalescence operators C#

Ragavendra B.N.
Ragavendra B.N.

C# introduces the ?? and ??= operators which are known as the Null coalescence operators.

Purpose - The ?? and ??= operators can help in cases where a comparison is made between two or more variable values and depending on the order in the statement, the variable valu is used.

Say for example there is variable either a and b to be returned by a method. Say if value is needed to be returned if it is not null and if yes, the value b is supposed to be returned.

public class NullCoal
public static int? Method(int? input)
    int? a;
    int? b;

    if(input > 10)
        a = input * 6;
        b = input * 7:;

    return a ?? b;

In the above example, a is returned if it is not null or b is returned.

Similarly the ??= operator adds the assignment operation as well, which can be used like

    int? a = null;
    int? b = 1;

    a ??= b;

where if a is not null, value of b is assigned to it, otherwise nothing happens with the above statement.

The null coalescence operator is a short form for writing the below code.

if( a is null)
    a = 1;

instead it can be written as

a ??= 1;

What if there is more than two variables to check, in such cases say like below

return a ?? b ?? c;

the expression is evaluated from right to left like this

return a ?? ( b ?? c)